V sodelovanju z mednarodno organizacijo DWA - Nemško združenje za pitno vodo, odpadno vodo in odpadke smo v petek, 27. 10. 2023, na lokaciji RCERO Ljubljana organizirali delavnico »Wastewater Treatment Situation and Automation Workshop«.
Prijetnemu druženju z izmenjavo znanja in izkušenj na področju ravnanja z odpadnimi vodami, obdelavi blata in avtomatizaciji čistilnih naprav, je sledil še ogled industrijske čistilne naprave Barje in RCERO Ljubljana.
Več informacij najdete v poročilu TUKAJ.
Workshop description:
The workshop covers the situation of wastewater and sludge treatment in Slovenia and automation on WWTP, with discussion and exchange of experiences. It includes a guided tour of the Industrial WWTP Barje.
RCERO Ljubljana (Barje), Cesta dveh cesarjev 101, Ljubljana.
Workshop agenda:
9:00 |
Welcome coffee |
9:20 |
Welcome Words |
David Polutnik, JP VOKA SNAGA d.o.o. Prof. Dr. Peter Hartwig, DWA |
9:30 - 11:30 |
Workshop (Workshop language: English) |
09:30 |
The current situation of the wastewater and sludge treatment in Slovenia |
mag. Mojca Vrbančič, JP VOKA SNAGA d.o.o. |
09:45 |
Experiences with process optimization and automation on the WWTP Ljubljana |
Vesna Mislej, Rok Babič, JP VOKA SNAGA d.o.o. |
10:00 |
Experiences with process optimization and automation on industrial WWTP Barje for leachate and MBT waste water |
Polona Primožič JP VOKA SNAGA d.o.o. |
10:15 |
Process optimization and automation on the WWTP’s for the Micropollutant Removal |
Prof. Dr. Peter Baumann, University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart |
10:30 |
Process optimization and automation on the WWTP Berlin for reaching advanced low N and P effluent levels in dry- and wet weather conditions |
Uta Pachaly, Berliner Wasserbetriebe, BWB |
10:45 |
Discussion and exchange of experiences |
Moderation: Dr. Frank Obenaus, Board of Emscher-Lippeverband |
11:30 - 12:30 |
Site Visit |
Tour over the industrial WWTP Barje – WWTP for leachate and MBT waste water Tour over RCERO Ljubljana - Regional Center for Waste Management. |
Polona Primožič, Vanja Fabjan, JP VOKA SNAGA d.o.o. |
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
Farewell words and end of the Event |
Dr. Frank Obenaus, DWA, mag. Mojca Vrbančič, JP VOKA SNAGA d.o.o. |
The Workshop is organized by JAVNO PODJETJE VODOVOD KANALIZACIJA SNAGA d.o.o. in collaboration with DWA - German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste. It is intended for the exchange of knowledge and experiences.
Delavnica se organizira s strani JAVNEGA PODJETJA VODOVOD KANALIZACIJA SNAGA d.o.o. v sodelovanju z DWA – Nemško združenje za pitno vodo, odpadno vodo in odpadke. Namenjena je izmenjavi znanja in izkušenj.
Dostopne oblike dokumentov so namenjene osebam z oviranostmi.
Polje označeno z * je obvezno.
Dostopne oblike dokumentov so namenjene osebam z oviranostmi.
Polje označeno z * je obvezno.