Special waste

What is special waste?

This is waste which must be handled in a special manner and to which special rules apply. In line with European best practices, Slovenian legislation also stipulates the separate collection and processing of specific types of waste. Slovenia grants concessions and licences for the collection and further treatment of such waste; authorised providers are listed on the website of the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia.

Construction waste

Residents can hand over smaller quantities of construction waste (bricks, concrete, ceramics) at the Barje Collection Centre, while for large quantities they need to sign a contract with a company authorised for handling such types of waste.

Spent automobile tyres

Whole or cut spent tyres may not be deposited at the dump. In the City of Ljubljana, the company GET engineering from Kresnice is authorised to collect and handle such waste. Spent tyres may also be handed over to vulcanisers or concessionaires free of charge.


The final owner of a vehicle must deliver a vehicle at the end of its life for decomposition. Residents of the City of Ljubljana may dispose of their vehicles at the companies Špan in Brezovica pri Ljubljani or Avto Mlakar on Dolenjska cesta. The handover of a vehicle is free of charge and, upon delivery, the final owner receives the certificate of decomposition required to deregister such a vehicle.

Asbestos waste

Asbestos-containing products include salonite plates, asbestos cement roofing tiles, asbestos cement water pipe work, thermal insulation for boilers, insulation for steel construction frames, ventilation pipes etc. There are a number of companies with authorisation to remove asbestos in Slovenia, while residents may also participate in smaller-scale works using correct asbestos management procedures. Firmly bound asbestos waste must be packed into impermeable closed bags so that textile or foil contacts are sealed or welded. Only then can it be deposited at a non-hazardous waste dump.


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