Waste management services
Residual waste
As the separate collection insreases the amount of residual waste continuously declines. Waste that belongs in none of the special-purpose bins is deposited in the black bin for residual waste:
- nappies and cat litter;
- cooled ashes and vacuum cleaner bags;
- textiles, leather and sewing waste;
- cassettes, films and photos;
- cork and rubber;
- ceramics, porcelain and bulbs;
- insulation and car glass.
Residual waste is processed in facilities for mechanical-biological treatment at Ljubljana Regional Waste Management Centre (RCERO Ljubljana). The facility processes more than 150 thousand tonnes of residual waste per year. After treatment as much as 95 per cent of seemingly useless waste can be used as recyclable material or fuel and less than 3 per cent of residual waste is disposed of at he Barje landfill.