Waste management services

Hazardous household waste

The following should be deposited among hazardous waste:

  • old car batteries;
  • batteries;
  • colours and solvents;
  • chemicals;
  • oils and fats;
  • pesticides;
  • detergents and cosmetic products containing hazardous substances;
  • medicinal products;
  • neon tubes;
  • all items labelled with a symbol for hazardous substances and their packaging.

Hazardous waste can be deposited of in the Barje Collection Centre or Povšetova Collection Centre, while the third option is the special mobile collection unit you can find at different scheduled locations in the City of Ljubljana from spring till autumn. Used batteries can also be disposed of at different stores, trading centres and post offices, and medicine at the farmacies.

Two girls desposing of hazardous waste (baterries, medicine etc.).
Hazardous household waste must never be deposited together with other household waste. Photo: M. Štefančič

Why is it so important to separately collect hazardous waste?

Great damage can be done if hazardous waste is not deposited properly, such as poisoning of the environment and endangering our own health as well as that of other people. Batteries, detergent and paint packaging and pesticides can significantly pollute groundwater, which is the source of our drinking water. A battery, for example, transfers the heavy metals it contains (cadmium, chromium and nickel) to non-hazardous waste. Therefore, hazardous household waste must never be deposited together with other household waste.






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