Contact Details
Vodovodna cesta 90
1000 Ljubljana
T: 01 580 81 00 or T: 080 8652
E-mail us at
In case of malfunctions of water distribution or sewage system call us:
Drinking water: T: 01 58 08 112, 01 58 08 100 or 080 8652 (choose 1, 1, 1)
Waste water: T: 01 58 08 212, 01 58 08 100 or 080 8652 (choose 1, 1, 2)
David Polutnik, General Manager
Secretatiat: T: 01 58 08 401, E:
Submit your water meter reading: T: 01 58 08 100 ali 080 8652 (choose 1, 3, 1); E: Komunala.Info
Billing informacion:
- Drinking and waste water T: 01 58 08 100 or 080 8652 (choose 1, 3, 3)
- Waste management: T: 01 58 08 100
- E-mail us at
Some payment methods save time and money.
You can receive an e-invoice instead of a printed copy. The e-invoice will arrive in pdf form in your inbox or your online banking system. Change to receiving e-invoices by completing the E-invoice application form. Please complete the form by entering your personal details, e-mail address, the number of your bank account and the user reference number.
In case of you need help with setting the e-invoice, do not hesitate to contact us. Send an e-mail to or call our User Support and Assistance Centre at +386 1 477 96 00.
Emptying of septinc tank: T: 01 58 08 100 or 080 8652 (choose1, 2, 1)
Sewer connection cleaning/inspection: T: 01 58 08 100 or 080 8652 (choose 1, 2, 2)
Collecting bulky waste is free of charge once a year. Place an order on Moji odpadki - naročanje and wait for us to call you so we can set a date. Bulky waste should be prepared a day ahead after 20.00 or early morning on the day of removal. One bulky waste removal a year is free of charge. Users in Ljubljana can schedule the removal when they need it.
T: 01 580 84 27 E:
Extra bulky waste collection, cut greenery collection or manual and/or machine sweeping and cleaning of surfaces are a payable services.
T: 01 58 08 052
Industrial craft and production waste collection; rental of containers for depositing waste during adaptations or major cleaning of premises are payable services.
T: 01 58 08 420
Drinking and waste water:
- Standing orders: T: 01 58 08 100 or 080 8652 (choose 1, 4, 1)
- Payments: T: 01 58 08 100 or 080 8652 (choose 1, 4, 2)
- Overdue payments: T: 01 58 08 100 or 080 8652 (choose 1, 4, 3)
Waste management:
- Standing orders: T: 01 47 40 866
- Payments: T: 01 474 01 88 or 01 474 01 87
- Overdue payments: T: 01 474 01 91
Drinking and waste water: T: 01 47 40 835 or 01 47 40 834
Waste management: T: 01 47 40 847
Vanja Fabjan, Public Relations Advisor
- T: +386 1 58 08 412
- E:

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