Central waste water treatment plant of Ljubljana
The central waste water treatment plant of Ljubljana (Ljubljana CWWTP) is a single-stage mechanical and biological treatment plant intended for the removal of undissolved substances and carbon compounds, and nitrification. The treatment of the excess sludge produced in this process involves anaerobic stabilisation of sludge in heated digesters and machine condensation and the drying of sludge to the point where the content of dry substance is above 90%. Owing to appropriate processing, dried excess sludge is a useful waste. The biogas produced in the anaerobic process is used in the sludge drying and digester heating process.

In addition to the town core and the condensed urban areas of Bežigrad, Šiška, Šentvid, Vič, Galjevica and Moste, the catchment area of the Ljubljana CWWTP covers Medvode, Savlje, Tomačevo, Sneberje, Polje, Zgornji Kašelj, Vevče, Kosovo polje and Majland ob Tržaški cesti, Brdo, Vrhovce, Podutik and Pržan. The Ljubljana CWWTP treats 85% of all waste water flowing into public sewers in the central Ljubljana area.

Around 80,000 m3 of waste water is treated every day at the Ljubljana CWWTP. The designed capacity of the treatment plant is 360,000 PE.