Food waste

JP VOKA SNAGA is an example of a public waste management authority which has embraced the benefit of its customers reducing the waste they produce, and so actively promotes waste-reducing behaviour through a series of consumer-oriented initiatives. One of our socially responsible initiative called "Raise your voice against food waste« and focuses on food waste and problematizes the attitude towards food in an affluent society and excessive consumption.

Food waste (still edible bread and a jar of honey) in hands of a waste collection woker.
Raise your voice against food waste. Photo: M. Majcen

JP VOKA SNAGA wants to change this irreverent attitude towards food into a more respectful one, addressing  hearts and minds with a song Kanta Blues played on radio stations, through urban interventions, activities for school children, pre-school children and visitors of our Small reuse playhouse in Minicity Ljubljana, collaborating with media, non-governmental and other organizations (joint activities with Ecologists Without Borders, Institute of Buna, European Parliament Information Office), restaurants, etc. 

Dustbin protesr against food waste. There are banners saying "Just because we are on the streets, it doesn't mean we are hungry".
Dustbins protesting against food waste. Photo: M. Štefančič

The main elements of the campaign are dustbins that are present at various events in city districts. With banners such as ‘Just because we are on the streets, it doesn't mean we're hungry!’, ‘We are full of thrown-away food’ and ‘Raise your voice against food waste’, they warn against inappropriate attitudes towards food and call on us to change things. Visitors to the events receive a food storage container with a small encouragement to take what they cannot eat at a restaurant with them, to save leftovers from lunch for the next time and to learn how to store food properly.


S prijavo na e- novice soglašate, da JP VODOVOD-KANALIZACIJA d.o.o. uporabi vaš elektronski naslov za namene obveščanja o novostih, ponudbi, splošnih informacijah, povezanih z dejavnostjo, ki jo izvaja JP VODOVOD-KANALIZACIJA d.o.o., dogodkih, nagradnih igrah in drugih aktualnih zadevah ter poslovnih informacijah ter da izvaja analize o branju poslanih vsebin za lastne potrebe. Vaše osebne podatke (ime, priimek in elektronski naslov) JP VODOVOD-KANALIZACIJA d.o.o. lahko obdeluje do preklica vaše privolitve.


Hkrati ste s prijavo na e-novice seznanjeni, da se iz sistema obveščanja (e-novic) lahko kadarkoli odjavite preko povezave, ki bo v vsakem sporočilu.


JP VODOVOD-KANALIZACIJA d.o.o. se zavezuje, da elektronskega naslova ne bo posredoval, posodil ali prodal tretji osebi, brez predhodnega obvestila in pridobitve pisnega soglasja posameznika, in da bo vaše osebne podatke skrbno varoval v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov. S prijavo ste seznanjeni, da JP VODOVOD-KANALIZACIJA d.o.o. lahko uporablja zunanji novičarski servis skladno s pravili slednjega (npr. mailChimp) in podatke hrani v oblaku.


Osebne podatke o posamezniku/ici bo JP VODOVOD-KANALIZACIJA d.o.o. obdeloval zgolj v okviru zgoraj naštetih namenov zbiranja.
